Hamburg/Germany: Miniatur Wunderland to Build New Theme World “Italy“

Vorstandsvorsitzender der DB, Dr. Rübiger Grube, Hamburgs Bürgermeister Olaf Scholz und Mauro Moretti, GF der ital. Eisenbahngesellschaft Trenitalia (v.l.n.r.)
Hamburg, Germany’s Miniatur Wunderland expands its current offer with the construction of the new theme world “Italy”. Together with Hamburg’s First Mayor, Olaf Scholz, the Chairman of the Board of the German Federal Railway (DB AG), Dr. Rüdiger Grube, the CEO of the Italian Railway Company Trenitalia, Mauro Moretti, and the culture and tourism secretary of the region of Liguria, Angelo Berlangieri, the first tracks of the new, 170 square meter large area were laid in May. The new theme world will feature sections of popular cities like Rome, landscapes like the coastal region of Leguria, and architectural masterpieces like the St. Peter’s Cathedral. Parts of Venice, volcano Vesuvius, and the sunken city of Pompeii will also be on display. The opening of the new theme world (estimated investment volume of three to four million Euros) is scheduled for the summer of 2015. (eap)