Austria: Swarovski Kristallwelten Reopened After Extensive Expansion

Markus Langes-Swarovski (Mitglied des Swarovski Executive Board, re.) und Stefan Isser (Geschäftsführer d. swarovski tourism services gmbh) freuen sich auf noch mehr Besucher aus aller Welt in den erweiterten Swarovski Kristallwelten.
Even bigger, more complex and richer in “miracles” – this is how the Swarovski Kristallwelten (Swarovski Crystal Worlds) in Wattens/Tyrol, Austria are described after extensive renovation and expansion measures, which were successfully completed on the occasion of Kristallwelten’s 20th anniversary this month. More than twelve million visitors from more than 60 nations visited Krstiallwelten in two decades. Over the past 1.5 years, the size of the unique experience world has been more than doubled with an expansion from 3.5 to 7.5 hectares and five “chambers of wonder” were redesigned entirely from scratch in collaboration with artists and designers (cp. EAP, issue 6/2014). According to Stefan Isser, Managing Director of D. Swarovski Tourism Services GmbH, the additional offers aim to attract even more visitors and to double their average length of stay from two to four hours. (eap)