19 Sep 2018

Germany: Outdoor Pools Take Stock: New Visitor Records Thanks to Steady Summer Weather

Germany: Outdoor Pools Take Stock: New Visitor Records Thanks to Steady Summer Weather

Das Turmbergbad in Karlsruhe begrüßte diesen Sommer zahlreiche Badegäste.

Those who benefitted most from the extraordinary warm summer days all throughout Europe this year are the outdoor pools and bathing facilities with outdoor areas. Germany’s KölnBäder GmbH, operator of recreational swimming pools in Cologne including eight outdoor pools, has registered a new visitor record for this summer season: From May 13th until September 9th, a total of 905,000 guests were welcomed to the eight outdoor pool facilities in the city (schools and clubs excepted). For comparison: In 2013, a year which was also marked by a warm summer period, a total of 813,000 guests visited the eight related outdoor pools, in 2017 the attendance was 662,000.

Also Germany’s Karlsruher Bäder operating group of public bathing complexes has taken stock for this outdoor pool season: Until September 5th, a total of 573,167 visitors enjoyed themselves at the four related outdoor pool facilities in Karlsruhe – compared to last year’s season (with 435,563 visitors until Sept 5th, 2017) this number represents a plus of 32 percent. In contrast to the other three related outdoor pool facilities in Karlsruhe, the Sonnenbad will still be open until December 2nd this year, before it starts into the new season in February 2019. (eap)

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