State of New York Announces Regulations for Reopening of Leisure Facilities

Outdoor-Freizeitanlagen im Bundesstaat New York, wie z.B. Coney Island, dürfen ab dem 9. April wieder Besucher empfangen.
As the New York State Governor Andrew M. Cuomo has announced in a statement on February 17th, indoor FECs will be allowed to reopen to visitors in New York beginning March 26th, and outdoor leisure facilities such as theme parks will be allowed to reopen April 9th, 2021. FECs have to operate at a lower capacity of 25 percent and amusement parks at 33 percent. “With continued decreases in the infection and hospitalization rates, we have been able to take steps toward beginning our post-Covid recovery and we are excited to now be in a place where we can bring back our recreational industries with safety protocols in place. As we've said time and time again, our success will be dictated by our actions and as long as we stay united and keep carrying this momentum forward in a positive direction, we will be able to see more and more sectors of our economy reopen,“ explained Cuomo.
All facilities must submit an opening plan and a hygiene concept to the local health authorities prior to opening. In addition, the government continues to mandate numerous hygiene and safety measures such as a face covering, social distancing, temperature scans, amongst others. The announced opening date will also benefit the new Legoland New York, whose opening date has been postponed from the original date July 4th, 2020, due to the Corona pandemic. Visitors are now able to hope for an early opening of the new Lego park, which will feature more than 50 rides and attractions – including the world premiere of the “LEGO Factory Adventure Ride” (cf. EAP news of 19 Nov 2019). Also, nothing stands in the way of the Luna Park to reopen at Coney Island, entering a belated anniversary season. None of the two parks has confirmed yet if they will reopen as of April 9th. (eap)