28 May 2019

Germany: Holodeck VR Announces ProSiebenSat.1 as New Strategic Investor

Germany’s Holodeck VR technology company (a spin-off of Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits IIS), which is specialized in the development of free-roaming VR experiences (so-called “Holodecks”), recently announced to have gained ProSiebenSat.1 Media SE as new strategic investor of its company. The listed media conglomerate, headquartered near Munich/Germany, provides financial resources of one digit million Euros for a minority stake of 20 percent to enable Holodeck VR to expand its open content platform and its existing location network.

With the Jochen Schweizer mydays Group, ProSiebenSat.1 also owns a potential distribution channel for scaling Holodeck VR locations at leisure and activity parks (cf. EAP News f. July 5th, 2017). With 7Sports, the sports business unit of the media company, Holodeck VR plans eSports events leveraging the Holodeck VR platform.

„We are thrilled that ProSiebenSat.1 believes in Holodeck VR and can help us scale in exciting areas. With this investment we’ll aim to become the VR touchpoint for the next generation by offering exciting new experiences that are simple, social and fun […],” comments Jonathan Nowak Delgado, co-founder and managing director of Holodeck VR.

Eun-Kyung Park, Chief Digital Officer Entertainment at ProSiebenSat.1, adds, “Besides believing in the technology and Holodeck VR, this is also an investment in an exciting and innovative growth market. VR applications based on outstanding technology have the potential to excite the audience with totally new formats of interactive entertainment.” (eap)

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