Massimiliano Freddi, CEO Wonderwood, IT

“When the EAP magazine arrives in my mailbox, it always feels like a gift. I read EAP regularly because the content I receive in this trade magazine is curated and written by a team who know and understand our business. The news are also exactly the selection I need as an operator of a leisure park.“

Klaus Sommer Paulsen, AdventureLAB CEO & Founder, DK

"I read EAP because the team does actual journalism, and that’s very important for our industry."

Andreas Veilstrup Andersen, CEO Liseberg, SE

"I never miss an issue of EAP, as one of the absolute best publications in our industry. I especially enjoy the fact that EAP has a point of view on issues; this is very refreshing."

Henrik B. Nielsen, CEO Djurs Sommerland, DK

“I read EuroAmusement Professional to get relevant information from the industry. It is one of the absolute best publications in our industry.“

Caroline Kortooms, Co-Founder & Tessa Maessen, Communications Expert Toverland, NL

“‘Toveren’ means: ‘doing Magic’. We believe in the Magic of Passion. Only with Passion, great things will be achieved. We feel the Passion from the people behind EAP and wish you the Power to continue your own Magic!”

Miikka Seppälä, CEO Särkänniemi Theme Park, FI

“I read EAP because it is Professional. With a capital P.“

Roland Mack, Owner Europa-Park, DE

"I read EAP because, in my opinion, this magazine represents all important information about our industry in a vivid way and discusses the current issues. It's the editoral staff's experience that, for me, guarantees the high quality of their coverage."

Wieland Schwarzkopf, President of the German Association of Amusement Machinery & Accessory Manufacturers (VDV), DE

“For me, EAP is really the best source of information in the leisure industry! Especially in times when a lot of – and often not verified – information spreads quickly and partly uncontrolled through the web, I am glad to have a reputable medium available with EuroAmusement Professional that keeps me regularly informed about the news in our industry...”

Chip Cleary, International Consultant, Themed Entertainment, USA

“I eagerly await each copy of EAP, the writing and the photography is excellent. EAP is well researched by a staff that really knows the business of fun and how serious it can be. The perfect source of timely factual information for European and all executives in our industry”.

Thorsten Backhaus, Managing Director Movie Park Germany, DE

“EAP provides me with a well-founded overview of the trends in this industry.“

Robert Dahl, CEO Karls Erlebnisdörfer, DE

“I read EAP because the magazine always provides me with a good overview of all the really important details I need to know within this industry.”

Frederik Braun, CEO Miniatur Wunderland Hamburg, DE

“I always look forward to the new EAP issue, because on the one hand it’s incredibly exciting to see what others are doing and on the other hand it always makes me want to experience these wonderful innovations for myself in real life.”

Michel Linet-Frion, founder & CEO of Concepts & Innovations Studio

"EAP deals with a very large leisure-oriented spectrum of projects and news, and has the European flavor that makes it closer to my way of seeing things."

Dr. Fabrizio Sepe, Owner Serengeti-Park Hodenhagen, DE

“Why do I read EAP? Because you are the best!“

Anja D’Hondt – Managing Partner & Queen of Happy Hearts BoldMove Nation, BE

“EAP provides interesting industry insights and inspiring articles on attractions and parks all over Europe. We enjoy our printed copy to read more in-depth feature articles, alongside the online reporting of news. We love working with the engaged and friendly EAP team to share our stories with the market in a creative way, thank you!”

Joacim Johansson, CEO Astrid Lindgrens Värld, SE

“EuroAmusement Professional is a very good industry magazine. Helps with worldwide market surveillance and provides inspiration and knowledge for your own development of the theme park.”

Markus Achleitner, Honorary President European Waterpark Association e.V.

"I like reading EAP because, for me, it's the most competent trade magazine ... our management and development departments often benefit from the trends and ideas represented in the magazine including the corresponding background information and use them as a basis for discussion."

Christoph Andreas Leicht, CEO Hansa-Park, DE

"EAP Magazine is a must-read for me: up-to-date, comprehensive and with many background information."

Alain Trouvé, formerly Compagnie des Alpes, FR

„I'm reading EAP, because in this magazine I get to know more about our industry than anywhere else."

Stephanie Schaub, Managing Director Chocoversum, DE

"In order to learn everything about the trends in the industry and to acquire market knowledge, I read every issue from the first to the last page.“

Helmut Fischer, Shareholder Erlebnispark Tripsdrill, DE

"EAP is an informative trade magazine for our industry and thus it's a must for me as well as my employees and executive staff!"

Lars Lenders, European Director of Sales, S&S, US

„In this era of digitalization and the e-mail floods it brings about I appreciate reading a real print magazine such as EAP. I can read where and whenever I want without having to sit in front of the screen. I even pick up the magazine outside of the office to learn the latest about our industry.”

Carlo Horn, former CEO Ravensburger Freizeit & Promotion GmbH, DE

„I read EAP magazine because I can always find the latest trends in there and upcoming projects are promptly and very well documented.“

Hendrik Wiegand, CEO Josef Wiegand GmbH/wiegand.waterrides GmbH, DE

„In this industry, EAP is the measure of all magazines - thoroughly investigating and always up-to-date!"

Uwe Barth, COO Thermengruppe Josef Wund, DE

"EuroAmusement Professional - the Trade Magazine is a must read for me as an executive of THERME ERDING because there are always good best practice examples in it and constantly updated information and trends about the news of the leisure and waterpark market."

Peter Osbeck, Senior Ride Manager Gröna Lund, Parks & Resorts of Scandinavia, SE

“I read and appreciate EAP because it is always interesting to read and it gives me a different approach to our business than other magazines. Thanks for a good magazine!”

Nikolaus Job, former CEO of Freizeitpark Belantis, DE

„EAP is THE leading magazine of our industry. It's professional and offers a wide variety of topics...It's focus is not only Germany and Europe, but from time to time we can think outside the box ... this is why reading EAP is as important for the management of a theme park as reading the newspaper."

Carlo Görtjes, President Themics, NL/PH

„EAP magazine is a professional magazine reporting about the entire industry from A to Z with very interesting articles."

Erich Wagner (†), CEO Erlebnispark Strasswalchen, AT

"EAP is important for me because this magazine informs us about the events taking place in the amusement and theme parks all over the world."

Anja Gruber, Marketing Director relaxfactory, DE

“With great enthusiasm I’ve just read the current issue. Your articles are alive and that’s what I really like.”
