„Planet Ozean“ – Water Park Edutainment Offer Recognized as Project of UN Decade of Biological Diversity
Developed by Germany’s KON-TIKI, Büro für Bildungs- und Erlebnisplanung, the new edutainment program “Planet Ozean – Meer.Wissen.Erleben” for swimming pool and water park complexes has recently been recognized as official project of the UN Decade of Biological Diversity. Within a period of ten years, exemplary projects which raise social awareness of the reduction of the biological diversity worldwide are rewarded in the course of the activities for the UN Decade of Biological Diversity. The new program, specially designed for adventure pools, combines activities for play and learning, all the while providing information and facts about the topics of water and ocean life. The underwater course has been tested for the first time by pupils from a comprehensive school at Lüneburg, Germany’s SaLü swimming pool facility. (eap)