A Special Present for Roland Mack: Mack Solutions Created New Concept for Kids’ Waiting Area at University Hospital Freiburg

Im neugestalteten Ambulanzbereich der Kinderklinik Freiburg können die kleinen Patienten nun ihre Wartezeit in einer schönen Umgebung verbringen. Prof. Dr. Charlotte Niemeyer, Dr.-Ing. h.c. Roland Mack, Prof. Dr. Spiekerkötter, Ann-Kathrin Mack und Charles R. Botta (v.l.n.r.)
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Roland Mack received a special gift from the team of Europa-Park’s “construction department” of Mack Solutions for his 70th birthday last October: In close cooperation with the Centre for Children and Youth Medicine at University Hospital Freiburg, the waiting area of the outpatient department and the intensive care saw a comprehensive refurbishment. This week, the results were presented and ceremonially handed over.
The designers from Mack Solutions developed a concept that is intended to distract and delight the young patients at the same time. Surrounded by lively trees and characters, the children can now playfully pass the waiting time together with their families. Prof. Dr. Charlotte Niemeyer is enthusiastic about the beautiful redesign: “Many chronically ill children and young people have to come to the clinic regularly and spend a lot of time waiting. New concepts are needed to fill this time with life. With the design of the new waiting area, Mack Solutions made a great contribution in order to break new grounds.”
Europa-Park owner Roland Mack, who has been an honorary member of the Förderverein für krebskranke Kinder (Association for Children with Cancer) for many years, was touched by this special birthday present: "Giving children joy and putting a smile on their faces is the best feeling for me. The objective was to improve the waiting time for the little patients and their family members with solace, peace and distraction by redesigning the two areas. I'm sure everyone involved succeeded in this project." (eap)