Bad Lippspringe/Germany: Westfalen-Therme Opens New Waterslides and “Salinarium”

Thermen-Geschäftsführer Robin Stork (1.v.r.) und sein Team freuten sich, dass Lippspringes Bürgermeister Andreas Bee (2.v.l.) der gestrigen Eröffnung des neuen Salinariums beiwohnte.
Yesterday, Bad Lippspringe, Germany’s Westfalen-Therme thermal spa facility opened two new waterslides as well as a new wellness area in the presence of the mayor of the city, Andreas Bee. The new wellness area features a natural brine/salt SPA area including a salt sauna among others. Two new tube slides replace the two former slide attractions. More about the new attractions at Westfalen-Therme can be read in one of our next magazine issues. (eap)