17 Aug 2020

Belgium: Wheel of Fortune Set Receives Redesign

Belgium: Wheel of Fortune Set Receives Redesign

The producers of the Belgian edition of the “The Wheel of Fortune“ family TV show assigned also Belgium-based company Painting with Light (PwL) to redesign the show set. In cooperation with Genk-based interior design company Deusjevoo a new and modern set design was developed and realised. Elements such as stairs, the banquette seating and the wheel received pixel controllable LED lighting. Additionally, the wheel features several RGB and white LED light sources. The company also devised a laser proximity sensor system that connects the wheel’s 72 handles, which trigger multiple audio and visual effects harmoniously each time it moves.

Furthermore, light strips, rings and spots have been used to light the wheel, walls, shop, floor, clothing, puzzle board and panels. Luc Peumans, CEO of PwL, comments: “Our team was very pleased with this project as there are many others cancelled or on hold in the events industry due to the coronavirus. Yet it was still a major challenge to amass all the equipment and particularly the scenic and custom assets with stages of the lockdown still ongoing and so many companies having furloughed employees and running part-time with a ‘skeleton’ staff. We are very pleased to have pulled it off in a short period, together with our valued partners, and contribute to a great entertaining show for many to enjoy during their staycation.” (eap)

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