14 Sep 2009

Bodensee-Therme Überlingen: Master plan for sauna expansion


Increasing numbers of visitors and turnover at the thermal springs that are successfully managed by Aquapark Management GmbH mean that expansion is necessary. The sauna and wellness area in particular are booming. A master plan has therefore proactively been developed for these two areas in particular in order to expand them and make them less crowded. A decision on this will not be made until the start of 2010 however. Bodensee-Therme welcomed a massive 356,000 visitors last year – only 280,000 guests had been estimated. Accordingly, the municipal holding company of the Bodensee-Therme reported that the operative business last year made a profit of EUR 738,000. Dr Michael Quell, managing director of Aquapark Management GmbH based in Münster said the following upon the presentation of last year’s results to the Schwäbische Zeitung: “Our sauna facilities are the most successful. Even on hot summer days the sauna garden is full.” (eap)


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