07 Jan 2025

Cup Concept and Hedegaard & Christensen Holding Establish Joint Venture

Cup Concept and Hedegaard & Christensen Holding Establish Joint Venture

f.l.t.r.: Søren Andreassen, Gerhard Bertsch, Jens Jorgensen | Photo: Courtesy of Cup Concept

(eap) The German company Cup Concept Mehrwegsysteme, based in Sexau (Baden-Württemberg), and the Danish Hedegaard & Christensen Holding, based in Silkeborg, have founded the joint venture Cup Concept Danmark ApS to introduce Cup Concept to the Danish market. Cup Concept’s reusable products are used in the leisure sector, such as at major events, in football stadiums, but also in theme parks such as Europa-Park.

A new location in Silkeborg with a ware washing and service centre with a storage area of around 1,000 square metres has been opened for distribution in Denmark. This infrastructure is intended to ensure efficient and needs-orientated logistics for the Danish market. “Thanks to the logistics centre in Denmark, we can achieve short transport routes for the reusable cups, which is a great advantage both ecologically and economically,” explains Florian Stengel, Managing Director of Cup Concept.

Cup Concept is a subsidiary of FRIES Kunststofftechnik and has locations in Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands and Austria. Further expansions to France, Sweden and the UK are planned in the near future. ■

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