22 Mar 2016

Danilo Tosetto Dies †

For more than 31 years, he was the “face” of Italy’s “Games & Parks Industry” magazine. On March 21, the publisher Danilo Tosetto died at the age of only 69 years in Padova. He is survived by his wife Conchita as well as his children Massimo, Davide and Elisa. The mourning ceremony will be held tomorrow, March 23 in Asseggiano (Venecia). Since the beginning of the 1980s, Danilo Tosetto, director of the “Facto Edizione” publishing house, has been known to the amusement attractions and showmen industry as the man who walked along the aisles of the world’s trade fair halls – always having a pen, notepad and camera with him. The industry mourns a long-standing companion. (eap)

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