Double Launch Coaster for Djurs Sommerland

Djurs Sommerland-Geschäftsführer Henrik B. Nielsen kann es kaum erwarten: die erste Fahrt in den roten Quad-Wagen des neuen Doppel Launch Coasters, der im Mai 2013 in seinem Park eröffnet wird.
The Danish amusement park Djurs Sommerland will open Europe’s first double launch coaster for the 2013 season in May next year. Not only the two launch sections will be a highlight of the new ride supplied by Intamin, also the special cars of the new ride called “Juvelen” or “The Jewel” will be fascinating. Passengers will be sitting in bright red ATV (all-terrain vehicle) cars. The ATV-like designed cars will speed along the one kilometer long track. The park invested a total sum of 9.4 million EUR in the new attraction – Djurs Sommerland’s biggest investment ever. (eap)