Duisburg/Bottrop, Germany: Zoo Tortoises Protected by Ninja Turtles

Leonardo, Donatello, Michelangelo und Raphael halten ihre Patentiere schützend in Händen. Mit auf dem Bild (v.l.): Katrin Kopatz (Pressesprecherin Movie Park Germany), Manuel Prossotowicz (Marketingleiter Movie Park Germany) und Achim Winkler (Zoodirektor Zoo Duisburg).
The “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles”, popular among young people, are four mutated, speaking giant turtles from an American comic series of the same name. These four turtles can be found at Movie Park Germany since July (read more about this in our latest magazine issue EAP 5/2013). Since early August, the four comic heroes also serve as godparents of four real turtles at Zoo Duisburg. The zoo has been a partner of Movie Park Germany for many years now. With this gesture, the four comic heroes want to send out a message against illegal pet trade and the destruction of the natural habitat of the animals. (eap)