Erlebnispark Tripsdrill Starts into New Season
(eap) Last weekend, Germany’s Erlebnispark Tripsdrill opened its theme park gates as part of its first pre-opening weekend this year – the animal park has been in regular operation over the winter months. From April 5, the park will be open daily through November 2. Attractions for the whole family, including the roller coasters “Volldampf” and “Hals über Kopf” (Vekoma) as well as the Wild Swing “Wilde Gautsche” by ART Engineering, which opened just last year, await visitors. A fully themed waiting area has meanwhile been added to the latter. Visitors now walk through an old signal box and experience a comedy show with the typical Swabian wit of Tripsdrill before entering the Wilde Gautsche attraction. As the park announced, visitors can also look forward to another “wet and cheerful” novelty over the course of the season…
Furthermore, Tripsdrill offers a colourful program around Easter. Street artist Marion Ruthardt will once again be bringing her 3D artworks to the adventure park from April 7 to 19. Also, the park will be decorated for Easter from April 12 to 27. Various prizes await visitors in an Easter egg hunt. ■