FKF-Award for Bayern-Park’s Family Free-Fall Tower “Thaolon”

Die FKF Vorstandsmitglieder bei der Übergabe der Awards an Bayern-Park Geschäftsführerin Silke Holzner und Marina Ernst von der Zierer Karussell- und Spezialmaschinenbau GmbH.
On Saturday, June 6, Bayern-Park’s family free-fall tower “Thaolon” was honored with the “FKF-Award”. Since 2003, the German FKF-Freundeskreis Kirmes und Freizeitparks e.V. has awarded this price to outstanding performances within the leisure industry. The reason for honoring the 2014 established tower is its interesting combination of a vertical and thematic ride. FKF’s Board of Management members Diane Dolezel and Jörg Passlat handed over the award to Bayern Park’s CEO Silke Holzner as well as to Marina Ernst, representative of the developing company Zierer Karussell- und Spezialmaschinenbau GmbH. In addition to “Thaolon” the thematic ride “Arthur” in Germany’s Europa-Park and Liseberg’s roller coaster “Helix” were honored with the price. Both attractions were supplied by Mack Rides. (eap)