04 Nov 2020

Finland: Valo Motion Launches New “Jumpball” Extended-Reality Trampoline Game

The Finland-based company Valo Motion, which is specialized in technology-based, interactive trampoline sports games, recently announced the launch of its latest game “Jumpball“, which is the company’s first extended-reality (XR) game suitable for the “ValoJump®“ trampoline set-up. Jumpball picks up the competition idea of ValoJump, but unlike previous game options, the new development offers a multiplayer solution. The trampoline game can be played by two players against each other on two adjacent ValoJump trampolines, but also in a single mode, in which the player competes against an AI opponent.

The technology of Jumpball tracks the movements of the opponents during the game and calculates directly where and with how much force the virtual ball is played into the own field. “With Jumpball, we wanted to take the best parts of sports and video games and combine them into a new super-powered trampoline ball sport. We wanted each match of Jumpball to be an exciting competition that’s both fun to play and fun to watch,” explains Lauri Lehtonen, lead developer for ValoJump. (eap)

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