25 Jun 2019

France: New KOEZIO Park Opened Near Lyon

France: New KOEZIO Park Opened Near Lyon

In mid-June, the fifth indoor park of the KOEZIO brand was opened in Saint-Priest near Lyon/France. Following Lille and Paris (there are two facilities in the capital city), Lyon is now already the fourth KOEZIO site within France, with another park that can be found in Brussels/Belgium. Similar to the offer in the other parks, it’s all about physical activity, dexterity, concentration and teamwork when it comes to complete different “missions” together as “special agents”.

These missions include, for example, finishing a 6,000 square meter large “special agent” course in a height of 15 meters in a group of two to five persons in a maximum of two hours together. As of September 2019, an in-house developed new mission called “Hyper Réalité 4D” will allow guests to enjoy an immersive VR free-roam mission.

Read more about the beginnings and the concept of the KOEZIO park brand in EAP issues, 2/20192/2017 & 2/2014). (eap)

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