09 Nov 2023

Freizeitmonitor 2023: Leisure & Adventure Pools Are Booming

Freizeitmonitor 2023: Leisure & Adventure Pools Are Booming

Foto: Efe Kurnaz

(eap) During an online seminar organized by the European Waterpark Association (EWA e.V.), Prof. Dr. Ulrich Reinhardt, Scientific Director of the Stiftung für Zukunftsfragen, presented the results of the recently published “Freizeitmonitor 2023”. Every two years, the Hamburg-based foundation analyzes the leisure behavior of the German population on the basis of a comprehensive survey on the most popular leisure activities and places to spend leisure time. Over the course of several decades, this has provided an insight that reveals significant changes in the leisure behavior of the generations.

In 2023, for example, it was found that more and more Germans are actively taking care of their health in their leisure time. While in 2013 only 44% stated that they do something for their health at least once a week through sport or similar activities, the figure has now risen to 56% according to the survey. Leisure pools and spas in Germany are also benefiting from this - the number of guests who go swimming at least once a week has risen from 8% to 11%. In addition, according to the survey, 15% of Germans visit a leisure pool at least once a month and 45% at least once a year.

Landesrat Markus Achleitner Foto: Hermann Wakolbinger “These figures are also impressively confirmed by our member facilities,” stated Markus Achleitner, President of the EWA and Upper Austria’s Provincial Councillor for Economic Affairs. Similar positive developments could be observed in Austria. “Even if challenges such as the increase in energy and personnel costs remain, we can still look forward to a significant increase in guests,” said the President of the Quality Association of European Leisure Pools and Spas at the recent EWA General Assembly in Cologne (see also our photo gallery on FSB & aquanale 2023 including EWA events).


Prof. Dr. Ulrich Reinhardt Foto: Stiftung für Zukunftsfragen Ulrich Reinhardt is also impressed by the development in demand. Based on the Freizeitmonitor 2023, he was able to report that 95% of survey participants stated that they had fun or even a lot of fun when visiting an adventure pool. In addition, 43% would like to visit a leisure pool or thermal spa more often – these satisfaction levels would be significantly higher than the results for other leisure facilities. A visit to a public pool would therefore be one of the most popular leisure activities for Germans outside their home. ■

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