Germany: AquaMagis Holiday Village 3-Star Rating

(v.l.n.r.): Martin Roth (AquaMagis Plettenberg), Susanne Filthaut (DTV), Detlev Lüke (CateFit GmbH), Anna Schulte (DTV), Klaus Müller (Bürgermeister d. Stadt Plettenberg), Frank Burghaus (DTV).
© ©AquaMagis Plettenberg
Visitors to Germany’s AquaMagis adventure and wellness bathing complex in Plettenberg have been able to extend their journey by staying overnight at one of the eleven new holiday homes directly built next to the water park and opened last summer (cp. EAP news from September 11, 2014). The holiday home operator CateFit GmbH is pleased with the response of the first months of operation.
Now the AquaMagis holiday village has been awarded a 3-star classification from the German Tourism Association. Also AquaMagis Managing Director Martin Roth is happy about this award. He said, “This classification perfectly fits to our concept! Now we’re not only the no. 1 in North Rhine-Westphalia and test winners of the nationwide ‘taff’ thermal spa test, but also pioneers in the overnight accommodation segment.” (eap)