14 Jun 2019

Germany: Europabad Karlsruhe Receives Five-Star Distinction

Germany: Europabad Karlsruhe Receives Five-Star Distinction

Martin Lenz (Bürgermeister Karlsruhe), Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender Dr. Rudolf Forcher, EuropaSpa-Mitarbeiterin Suzan Ergut und Oliver Sternagel, Geschäftsführer der Karlsruher Bädergesellschaft mbH (v.l.n.r.)

For its excellent comfort and exclusive equipment, the Europabad in Karlsruhe/Germany will be awarded a five-star certification today after thorough testing based on the high quality standards of Wellness Star GmbH and TÜV Rheinland. Oliver Sternagel, Managing Director of Karlsruher Bädergesellschaft mbH, and Mayor Martin Lenz will jointly accept the distinction.

In addition to an exciting attractions line-up – the last new slide of the adventure pool was presented to guests under the name of “Tarantula” last year (cp. EAP issue 1/2019) – the swimming pool complex also offers a spacious sauna area (cp. EAP issue 4/2016) as well as an extensive range of spa offers. (eap)

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