Germany: Holiday Park Surprises Guests with New Permanent Pastries Offer

Freuen sich gemeinsam mit Biene Maja auf einen erfolgreichen Saisonstart mit neuer Görtz-Filiale: Parkmanager Bernd Beitz (li.) und Peter Görtz.
© © Holiday Park
Germany’s Holiday Park will start into the new season on 28 March 2015 – this time with a culinary novelty! Görtz bakery will offer its comprehensive range of delicious bakery goods and pastries including Starbucks coffee specialties within the park. The bakery goods will be served at the foot of the new “Sky Scream” launch coaster, next to the park’s existing snack bar.
More about Holiday Park’s plans for the upcoming season can be read in our latest magazine issue, EAP 2/2015. (eap)