Germany: Labyrinth Kindermuseum Berlin Comes of Age

Platz da! Kinder machen Stadt Die Baumeister Lukas, 8, Emma, 7 und Alma, 7 (v.l.n.r.) © Labyrinth Kindermuseum Berlin, Foto: Ulrich Sülflow
On September 12, 1997, Berlin’s Labyrinth Kindermuseum, a children’s museum, was opened with the bubbles exhibition “Babbels”. This year, the museum located in the socio-cultural center Fabrik Osloer Straße celebrates its 18th birthday. On this occasion, on Sunday, September 13, between 11 am and 6 pm celebrations will take place at the learning and cultural facility. Visitors can expect a mixed program including a view back on the museum’s history as well as games, face painting and cake-building for children. Since its opening more than 1.3 million people from all over the world have visited the museum so far. In the framework of changing, interactive exhibitions, projects, training courses and events the museum aims at supporting children’s cultural, social and artistic education. Up to now more than 20 interactive exhibitions have taken place at the museum, e.g. the “Ganz weit weg – und doch so nah“ exhibition which ran between 2012 and 2014 (cf. EAP News from March 30, 2013). The current exhibition named “Platz da! Kinder machen Stadt” gives children the possibility to discover, shape and change their own living space within the city. (eap)