Germany: Moskaubad to Open Ropes Course

Stadtwerke-Chef Manfred Hülsmann (l.) und Bäderchef Wolfgang Hermle (2.v.l.) freuen sich gemeinsam mit dem Planungsteam auf den neuen Dschungelpfad
Following a construction time of four weeks, the outdoor pool facility Moskaubad, located in the city of Osnabrück, will officially open its new “Dschungelpfad” (Engl.: “Jungle Path”) ropes course this coming weekend. The 75-meter long course, which was built between the trees of the outdoor pool’s lawn, offers its guests a total of 14 climbing, balancing, swinging and adventure elements manufactured from natural oak, larch and robinia woods. Ghepetto, a Bremen-based playground equipment provider, delivered, amongst other features, tree houses, platforms, rope paths and climbing nets as well as decorative elements including oversized jungle animals. The Meppen-based landscape architecture firm Die Grünplaner was commissioned with the ropes course's design. Due to its low height, the 14,000-euro attraction is accessible without any safety equipment for adults and children aged five or older.
By introducing this new offer, Stadtwerke Osnabrück, the public pool’s operator, intends to make greater use of the outdoor pool site even in the off-season to increase the attendance figures. “It is neither economical nor does it meet our company’s claim to further enhance Osnabrück's attractiveness if our pretty green area in the city’s district of Wüste is only fully occupied on five to ten days a year due to bad weather,” says Manfred Hülsmann, Stadtwerke Osnabrück’s CEO. Last year, Moskaubad welcomed some 239,000 pool guests as well as 37,000 additional visitors who used the event offer (cf. EAP News from February 22, 2016). (eap)