Germany: New Centennial Exhibition at Bavaria Filmstadt Opens Today

Stefan Bryxi (mi.), Leitung Filmstadt Operations & Technik, zusammen mit den Walking-Acts bei der Eröffnung des Filmstad Ateliers.
Today will see the official opening of the new anniversary attraction “Filmstadt Atelier” at Bavaria Filmstadt in Geiselgasteig near Munich, a permanent interactive exhibition celebrating 100 years of Bavarian film studios. Film classics such as “The Boat” or “The Neverending Story” as well as other world-class films were created here. Visitors will be able to discover unique archive material, photos, film excerpts and much more in an interactive exhibition replacing the former “Bullyversum” attraction. While press representatives and other invited guests already had the opportunity to take a closer look at the new exhibition this past Thursday, it is now officially open to visitors. Guests can find out how Geiselgasteig has developed into one of the most important media locations in Germany.
Read more about the development of Bavaria Studios, Filmstadt and the anniversary highlight in our brand-new print edition EAP 2/2019, which was just released. (eap)