Germany: New Jungle Lodges at Serengeti-Park Hodenhagen Bookable as of May

Günter Springer (l.), Inhaber und Gründer von NATURWAGEN & LODGES, übergibt am Montag (23.04.2018) in Hodenhagen die neuen Camping-PODs an die Geschäftsführer der Serengeti-Park Hodenhagen GmbH, Dr. Fabrizio Sepe (2.v.r.) und Giovanni Sepe (2.v.l.), sowie den Ressortleiter Übernachtungen, Jens Asche.
Germany’s Serengeti-Park located in Hodenhagen, Lower-Saxony had announced to extend its existing accommodation offer by the addition of 50 new jungle lodges for the current season (cp. EAP 2/2018). Yesterday, the new camping pod houses, which are located on a newly designed area at the edge of the park’s jungle safari, were officially handed over to Serengeti-Park Hodenhagen GmbH by the managing director of the manufacturing firm NATURWAGEN & LODGES, Günter Springer. “Since we have already witnessed an occupancy rate of around 98 percent in recent years, we are expanding our accommodation capacity with the new jungle lodges to just under 800 beds in 2018,” says Dr. Fabrizio Sepe, owner of Serengeti-Park.
The lodges, which look similar to the dwellings known from the Hobbit novels, sleep up to four guests and are equipped with a shower and a toilet. They were developed by the manufacturer in collaboration with the park and have been adapted to the requirements of so-called “glamping” accommodations. NATURWAGEN & LODGES, based in Schleswig-Holstein, specializes in the trade, construction, import and sale of leisure objects. Serengeti-Park’s new accommodation offer can be booked from May. (eap)