22 Jan 2014

Germany: Osnabrücker Bäder with New Record in Visitor Numbers

Germany: Osnabrücker Bäder with New Record in Visitor Numbers

Freuen sich über das Rekordjahr 2013: Die Bäderverantwortlichen der Stadtwerke mit (v.l.) Wolfgang Hermle (Bäderchef), Tilo Schölzel (Nettebadchef) und Jürgen August (Bädertechnikchef) im neuen DaySpa-Bereich des Nettebades.

Also 2013 saw Osnabrück’s three swimming pool and bathing complexes Nettebad, Moskaubad and Schinkelbad reach a new visitor record of around 1.25 million guests, around 30,000 more than in the year before. This development is remarkable given the many construction works carried out at Nettebad during the last year (new sauna facility, new design of the sauna’s lobby area, the transformation of the SPA area to a DaySpa area, as well as the renovation and conversion of the outdoor pool to a saline bathing pool). The construction of a new premium fitness facility, which was opened in mid-January of this year (cp. EAP news from 16 Jan 2014), is also part of Nettebad’s expansion plans. The development of the site will still be continued in the future to entice even more visitors to come to Nettebad. There are other expansions intended to be realized at Moskaubad and Schinkelbad in the coming years, too. (eap)

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