23 Mar 2015

Germany: Plans for New Waterslide & Wellness Area at AquaMagis Announced

Again the AquaMagis recreational and wellness bathing complex in Plettenberg, Germany announced plans for the expansion of its attraction line-up. Only by the end of last year, AquaMagis surprised its visitors with the opening of its new “Pink Jump” waterslide (we reported on this in EAP, issue 2/2015). Now the bathing complex announced to open a unique new waterslide, a world’s first, this summer. Further details have not been announced yet.

Furthermore, the existing sauna area, which occupies 30 percent of the total area of the bathing and wellness facility, will be separated into a non-nude adventure and RELAX world and a sauna area which will be accessible for adults only. The opening of the new SAUNA world is scheduled for 2016. With this step, AquaMagis is responding to its decreasing visitor numbers in its nude sauna area. The existing sauna area will be reduced and adapted to the changes in demand. Despite the upcoming increase of the VAT rate in sauna facilities, admissions for the sauna area will not be increased. However, general visitor numbers of AquaMagis could be increased in 2014 by around three percent: around 425,000 guests were recorded last year, a new record high for AquaMagis. (eap)

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