Germany: Ravensburger Kinderwelt to Open in Kornwestheim

Kindergartenkinder aus Kornwestheim freuen sich zusammen mit ihren beiden Erzieherinnen über die beiden überdimensionalen Spielkegel, die Ravensburger Geschäftsführer Carlo Horn (hintere Reihe, 3. von links) vor dem Kornwestheimer Rathaus Oberbürgermeisterin Ursula Keck (hintere Reihe, 1. von links) und dem Ersten Bürgermeister Dietmar Allgaier (1. von rechts) übergab.
The 1st of June 2013 will see the opening of a new indoor children’s play world in the city of Kornwestheim (Baden-Württemberg). The new attraction will be located at Kornwestheim’s Wette Center and encompass a 2,000 square meter large indoor area spread over two floors. Around 2.5 million Euros will be invested in the project by the city. The 14 individual attractions within the play world will include a children’s driving school as well as a memory® game, for example. The project has been developed in collaboration between the city of Kornwestheim and Ravensburger Freizeit und Promotion GmbH. While the city of Kornwestheim will manage new indoor play center, the Ravensburger company will be responsible for the concept and design, marketing as well as for the operation of the facility on site. (eap)