Germany: Ravensburger Spieleland Welcomes Seventh Million Visitor

Grund zum Jubeln hatte nicht nur Geschäfsführer Carlo Horn (mi.), sondern auch die siebenmillionsten Besucher: Familie Bühler aus Sauldorf.
This past Tuesday, 5 September, Germany’s Ravensburger Spieleland amusement park welcomed its seven millionth guest since the park’s opening in 1998. Since then, the park, situated near Lake Constance, has become a popular destination for families. “We are proud that we were able to reach the seven million visitor mark before our twentieth anniversary, which we will celebrate next year,“ says Managaing Director Carlo Horn. So far, the park management is satisfied with the results of the current season. However, Horn is hoping for a “golden autumn“, which after an often rainy summer this year in Germany is supposed to bring some extra visitors to the park. Last year, a total of 412,000 guests were recorded at Ravensburger Spieleland.
Also, compared to the previous year, the park reports strong demand for its holiday village, which opened in the summer of 2016 (cp. EAP news of 5 July 2016) and was open from 7 July to 2 September this year. In response to the experience of last year, the holiday village will additionally be available for overnight guests for the first time this autumn from 29 September to 15 October. (eap)