Germany: Re-opening of the Vierordtbad Thermal Bath – New Offers & Attractions for Visitors

In der Therme Vierordtbad sind u.a. drei Außenbecken (hier im Bild das Lithium-Becken) neu entstanden.
After about one and a half years of reconstruction, the Therme Vierordtbad, operated by the Karlsruher Bädergesellschaft, reopens now for the first time for regular bathing operations and has a number of new offers and attractions in store for guests. During the closure of the facility, a new building was erected: the “West Wing”, which has expanded the Therme’s offerings by three new outdoor pools, a large-volume sauna equipped with event technology and space for up to 70 people, additional relaxation zones, a new solarium area and more shower facilities. The interior of the spa has also been renovated, with relaxation loungers, comfortable furniture and an LED “sky” above the indoor pool.
Karlsruhe’s Mayor Martin Lenz sums up the renovation of the Vierordtbad spa as a fantastic implementation in challenging times. Karlsruher Bädergesellschaft’s Director Oliver Sternagel agrees: “The Covid pandemic proved to be a chance for the Therme’s conversion, as it allowed the construction to move forward quickly. In particular, the construction project managers, such as site manager Volker Knodel from the Bäderbetriebe Karlsruhe and architect Lars Fischer from the architectural firm Fischer.Architekten & Ingenieure, have made a significant contribution to the rapid and successful realisation of such an extensive project,” Sternagel emphasised with gratitude. He also praised the energy of the entire pool team of the Therme Vierordtbad, without which the reopening would not have been possible to this extent. The Therme Vierordtbad is a bath with a long history in the heart of the fan-shaped city of Karlsruhe – for almost 150 years already it has been serving the city as an important health care facility and as an oasis of well-being. (eap)