Germany: Roofing Ceremony for Europa-Park’s Rulantica Water World

Roland, Jürgen und Michael Mack (Mitte) freuen sich über den erteilten Segen für die neue Wasserwelt Rulantica.
Yesterday, construction works on the shell of Rulantica, the first water world of Germany’s Europa-Park and together with the new “Krønasår” hotel the largest single investment of owner family Mack, have now been completed – the park celebrated the official roofing ceremony together with some 800 craftsmen and representatives from politics and press.
The water park will be divided into eight Nordic-themed areas with a total of 25 exciting attractions (among which will be 17 water slides, cf. our article on the project in EAP, 6/17). It is scheduled to be fully completed by the end of 2019. The associated “Krønasår” four-star hotel, which will be directly connected to the water park and will expand the existing overnight capacity of Europa-Park by 1,300 beds, will already start operation on May 31st, 2019 (cf. EAP News from June 28th, 2018).
“The expansion of our overall visitor offer and the realization of this unique water adventure world are an important step towards securing our location. This lighthouse project not only provides new impulses for tourism development, but also creates some 550 new jobs in the region and increases the recreational value for local residents,” said Roland Mack, owner of Europa-Park. (eap)