23 Jul 2013

Germany: Second Construction Phase Started for Zoo Osnabrück’s “Angkor Wat” Adventure Area

Germany’s Zoo Osnabrück already opened the first section of its new “Angkor Wat” theme adventure area back in May of 2012, when it presented the new ape temple built to replace the former ape boulder which had passed its prime. A 40 meter long passageway in an ancient Asian ruin look takes visitors past the ape enclosure. Now the second construction phase has been initiated to expand the Asian temple area. Late this past June the cornerstone was laid for the modification of the neighboring tiger area set to serve as the new enclosure for the Sumatra tigers starting in the spring of 2014. Zoo Osnabrück gGmbH Supervisory Board Chairman Reinhard Sliwka explains, “The new 1,200 square meter area will provide some 30 percent more enclosure space for the tigers. We’re planning to give visitors as much of a free line of sight without bars as possible in the new area, which is designed to closely replicate their natural environment”. The costs of the renovation measures are cited at an investment total of 950,000 Euros. The future plans are to complete “Angkor Wat” by 2015 with the conversion of the great ape house. (eap)

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