Germany: Sensapolis Classified as Family-Friendly

v.l.n.r: Andreas Braun (TMBW), Julia Haberstroh (Sensapolis), Dieter Wäschle (DEHOGA Baden-Württemberg)
Germany’s indoor amusement park Sensapolis, located in the federal state of Baden-Württemberg, has recently been awarded the quality brand “familen-ferien/familien-restaurant in Baden-Württemberg” (“family-holiday/family-restaurant in Baden-Württemberg”). The distinction, which classifies highly family-friendly amusement parks, is periodically awarded by Tourismus-Marketing GmbH Baden-Württemberg (TMBW) in cooperation with DEHOGA Baden-Württemberg e.V. Some criteria in order to achieve the distinction include a family-oriented atmosphere and facilities, culinary offerings for children as well as a sufficient number of skilled contact persons. Sensapolis’ park director Jürgen Schwarz is pleased with the quality brand: “This distinction is the result of all our employees’ daily efforts to care for our visitors and act as their contact persons.”
Founded in 2008 (cf. EAP, issue 4/2008), the more than 10,000 square meter indoor park has evolved into a popular destination for the whole family thanks to its diverse offers. (eap)