06 Jan 2016

Germany: Successful Season 2015 for Tourism District Lueneburg Heath

Germany: Successful Season 2015 for Tourism District Lueneburg Heath

Foto: Serengeti-Park

The amusement parks located in Northern Germany’s Lueneburg Heath are satisfied with the season 2015. As Erlebniswelt Lüneburger Heide’s General Manager Wilfried Gebhardt says, the parks could increase their visitor numbers despite a moderate start at Easter due to bad weather.

Soltau’s Heide Park Resort attracted several thousand additional German guests by its “Halloweeks”, which took place in October for the first time. The upcoming season will see the opening of a new children’s attraction which is already under construction (cf. EAP News from September 23, 2015). The bird park Weltvogelpark Walsrode could especially welcome more visitors during the summer holidays. In August, about 10 percent more guests visited the park compared to the previous-year period. Serengeti-Park was satisfied with the past season as well. The animal park was able to raise its attendance figures once again and counted around 750,000 guests. Following the opening of its jetboat attraction “Black Mamba” in 2015, Serengeti-Park has already announced its plans for the introduction of a further attraction with “high individual value of experience” in 2016.

According to statistical offices, in terms of numbers of overnight stays, the Heidekreis district could record a growth of 2.7 percent by the end of August compared to the previous-year period. In total, around 1,854 million people from all over the world visited the North German region. (eap)

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