Germany: Topping Out Ceremony for Badeparadies Euskrichen

Vorbild für die Therme in Euskrichen ist das Palmenparadies der Badewelt Sinsheim, die 2012 von der Firma Wund eröffnet wurde.
Yesterday, Thursday 28 August 2014, the 50 million Euro project, planned and built by the Wund company (cp. EAP, issue 6/2013) in Euskirchen, Germany, celebrated its topping out ceremony. While the groundbreaking ceremony was already held back in 2011, construction did not start before April 2013. The architect and entrepreneur Josef Wund from Friedrichshafen, Germany plans to open the thermal spa and pool facility in early summer of 2015 and offer “guests hours of wellness and relaxation in a unique atmosphere,” the Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger reports. The sports swimming pool, which will also be part of the facility, is scheduled to already open on 22 September 2014 for the local schools and sports clubs. (eap)