Germany: Tropical Islands Receives Quality Certificate for Sauna Landscape

Tropical Islands-Geschäftsführer Michiel Illy (l.) mit dem Vizepräsidenten des Deutschen Sauna-Bundes, Dieter Gronbach.
© © Tropical Islands
Germany’s Tropical Islands recreational bathing complex was recently awarded with a four-star quality certificate by the German Sauna Association (Deutscher Sauna-Bund e.V.). Part of the quality inspection were the changing rooms and sanitary facilities, rest and cooling areas, gastronomic offers and the quality of the infusions.
“[…] The ‘SaunaSelection’ quality mark certifies sauna landscapes with at least three sauna or sweat rooms, several bathing facilities and massage offerings that allow visitors to stay several hours enjoying a broad wellness offer of high quality,” explained Dieter Gronbach, Vice President of the German Sauna Association. Guests at Tropical Islands can select between a variety of health-promoting infusions, including beer and herbal infusions. In addition, the bathing complex is working in partnership with vitavidere, a German provider of wellness concepts, offering cosmetic and body care treatments.
The quality certification of the German Sauna Association is valid for three years. Tropical Islands also aims to achieve the premium five-star certificate: “Our staff and the quality of our products are already top-notch, so five stars are definitely possible. We will further improve our services in the coming years and invest in the sauna facilities themselves in order to meet the high standards and expectations of our guests,” said Michiel Illy, CEO of Tropical Islands.
Read more about the expansion plans for Tropical Islands in our interview with Michiel Illy in EAP issue 4/18. (eap)