01 Apr 2021

Germany: Zoo Leipzig Celebrates 20 Years of “Pongoland“

For 20 years now, Zoo Leipzig has been combining animal husbandry, science and research under one roof with its “Pongoland” anthropoid ape facility. The three-hectare large area was developed in cooperation with the Max Planck Gesellschaft and opened on April 1st, 2001, being the first milestone of the “Zoo of the Future” master plan that was initiated in 2000. With chimpanzees, gorillas, orangutans and bonobos, Pongoland is home to four highly endangered great ape species and offers them a modern animal facility which also serves for research purposes.

The common goal of the animal keepers and scientists is to research the cognitive abilities of the great ape species. Visitors to Pongoland are offered the opportunity to look over the shoulders of the researchers as they work, by watching them through an observation window. “Pongoland was and still is an absolute fortunate part of the zoo and, even after 20 years, a flagship project, both among experts and our guests,” comments Prof. Jörg Junhold, Director of Zoo Leipzig. 

This spring, construction works are scheduled to start at Zoo Leipzig on the new “Feuerland” (EN: Fireland) area, which will house sea lions amongst other animals. The zoo also hopes to be able to open its new aquarium this year (see EAP 2/21). (eap)

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