Germany: Zoo Rostock Presents „Mensch·Müll·Meer“ Touring Exhibition

Zoodirektor Udo Nagel, Nardine Stybel (EUCC-D) und Dennis Gräwe (Landesamt für Umwelt, Naturschutz u. Geologie MV) eröffneten die Ausstellung
Since last week, visitors to Zoo Rostock have the possibility to see the touring exhibition „Mensch·Müll·Meer“ (Engl.: “Human·Waste·Sea”) developed by Küsten Union Deutschland (EUCC-D). As German branch of the internationally active Coastal & Marine Union, EUCC-D has been committed to supporting a sustainable development of the seas and its coasts since 2002. In the course of the exhibition, Zoo Rostock and EUCC-D intend to draw people’s attention to marine pollution, especially caused by plastic, the resulting dangers for flora and fauna as well as possibilities to avoid waste. “We want to rouse people, inform them and show them ways of how to take action. It’s an explosive topic to which we want to permanently draw people’s attention,” zoo director Udo Nagel explains.
Until mid-May, visitors to Zoo Rostock will be given the opportunity to have a look at exhibits presented in the “Atelier Natur” area, informing them about the origin of maritime waste and its impact on the Baltic Sea and its coastline. A banner specially designed for children provides younger visitors and their families with an overview of how waste finds its way into the sea. The exhibition also features self-recorded videos in which children and youngsters point to the problems caused by increasing marine pollution and present their ideas of how to solve them. Furthermore, Zoo Rostock in cooperation with Küsten Union Deutschland organizes several event and project days. The “Green-Zoo-Rally” will give visitors an overview of the diverse projects through which Zoo Rostock contributes to environmental protection. (eap)