Germany: Zoo Rostock Takes Stock of “Darwineum“ Tropical Hall

Im Darwineum im Zoo Rostock leben inzwischen über 150 Arten, darunter Exemplare des vom Aussterben bedrohten Orang-Utan
© Foto: Zoo Rostock/Joachim Kloock
Five years after the opening of its “Darwineum” tropical hall, Germany’s Zoo Rostock now takes stock of the attraction, which is home to more than 2,000 animals of over 150 species (nearly twice as much as at its beginning). The animal park, which welcomed just under 639,000 guests in 2016 (cf. our park report in EAP, 2/17), has welcomed more than three million visitors to the Darwineum since its opening. Zoo Director Udo Nagel is proud of this success: “[…] The number of visitors has grown significantly and with the ‘Darwineum’ we were elected as ‘Europe’s Best Zoo” in the category of more than 500,000 visitors yearly for the first time. Also, our Darwineum is a place of exciting exhibitions, of a close-to-nature kids and youth program and of lived species protection. In the future we will continue setting new accents in this area,” promised Nagel.
Currently, construction works for the new “Polarium” snow and ice world, which is being developed in cooperation with dan pearlman, are underway – the new realm is scheduled to open in 2018 (cf. EAP news from March 20th, 2015 & June 22nd, 2016). (eap)