Great Anticipation: Europa-Park Opens Preview Tent for Arthur Attraction

Konzept-Designer Hugues Tissandier, Roland, Michael, Jürgen und Thomas Mack sowie Fabrice Denizot, Marketing Direktor EuropaCorp (v.l.n.r.), freuen sich auf Arthur Im Königreich der Minimoys.
Mid-May saw the opening of a preview tent at Europa-Park featuring its highly anticipated new attraction, “Arthur – in the Kingdom of the Invisibles”, scheduled to open at the beginning of the 2014 season (cp. EAP 2/2013). The Kingdom of the Invisibles will be realized on a 3,500 square meter large area, representing the largest indoor attraction since the park opened its doors in 1975. The elaborate attraction will be sweeping visitors into a microcosm like no other. The gigantic adaption of star director Luc Besson’s successful movie trilogy “Arthur and the Invisibles” will represent the peaceful, secret world of the small creatures known as Minimoys. Over-sized ladybugs, huge frogs and imposing caterpillars will fly, hop and crawl over huge branches and gigantic rocks. The real world and the animated film will merge into an extraordinary adventure for the whole family. Ants as big as elephants, blades of grass as tall as skyscrapers, bees competing with jet planes – in the Kingdom of the Invisibles nature becomes a huge adventure. Visitors of Europa-Park can look forward to discovering the charming world of the Minimoys – during their flight in a unique dark ride attraction with numerous special effects – a new development of Mack Rides. (eap)