09 Jan 2013

Hannover Adventure Zoo Plans to Open New Theme Area for Apes

As Germany’s Hannover Adventure Zoo has announced at the end of last year, a new home will be created for the chimpanzees during the next months and through to the autumn of 2013. Firstly, the indoor enclosure will be renovated until February 2013 and then completed with jungle, waterfalls, rocks, stream and plants in the autumn of 2013. Meanwhile, a 900 square meter large outdoor area will be created reminiscent of an African wet savannah including rocks, trees, waterfalls, streams, a pond etc. The investment for the new enclosure amounts to a total of 3.1 million Euros. The initial plan to construct a new building for the zoo’s employees had been postponed in favor of the apes’ new enclosure. After the chimpanzees had escaped from their old enclosure this summer, safety measures have to be given the highest priority as Hauke Jagau, chairman of the zoo’s board of directors, emphasizes. (eap)

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