21 May 2024

Henry Peukert Takes over as Managing Director of Bremer Bäder

Henry Peukert Takes over as Managing Director of Bremer Bäder

Sportsenator Ulrich Mäurer (li.) stellt im Horner Bad den neuen Geschäftsführer der Bremer Bäder GmbH vor: Henry Peukert.

(eap) The municipal pool operator Bremer Bäder GmbH will have a new Managing Director from July 1, 2024: Henry Peukert, who is currently serving as Operations Manager at Berliner Bäder-Betriebe in the German capital, is returning to the Free Hanseatic City where he was already Deputy Manager of the University Pool. Bremen‘s sports senator Ulrich Mäurer welcomes Peukert as the future Managing Director: “I am convinced that he will bring many new ideas for the necessary updating of the pool concept.” Mäurer thanked the two interim managing directors Frank Oliver Fischer (Head of Finance) and Uwe Siefke (Head of Technology), who had temporarily taken over the management of Bremen‘s public pools in October last year: “They have managed to organize this time wonderfully. Now we have a new beginning. In Henry Peukert, we are gaining an experienced manager who has already held management positions in Delmenhorst, Ganderkesee and Berlin.”

63-year-old Peukert is looking forward to his future tasks in Bremen: “I am very much looking forward to the challenge of taking over the Bremen pools at a time when we are planning for the future and setting the course for it – also in terms of climate neutrality and digitalization.” Bremer Bäder GmbH currently operates a total of eleven sports, leisure and outdoor pools. ■

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