11 Nov 2015

Italy: Gold Award for German Pavilion at Expo 2015

Italy: Gold Award for German Pavilion at Expo 2015

Dietmar Schmitz (r.) nimmt den Gold-Award entgegen

On the last weekend of October the Paris-based Bureau International des Expositions (B.I.E.), the institution responsible for allocating world exhibitions, announced the “B.I.E. Awards” winners at “Expo 2015” in the Italian city of Milan. In three different categories the awards honour remarkable Expo contributions.

The German pavilion entitled “Fields of Ideas” won the gold award in the category of topic development. While the silver award went to Angola, Kazakhstan received the bronze price. According to the expert jury, composed of architects, museum directors and B.I.E. representatives, Germany’s interactive Expo contribution did an excellent job in giving visitors an understanding for the contents of Expo 2015’s topic “Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life”. “As the federal ministry responsible for Germany’s presentations at world exhibitions we are very proud of this repeated distinction. It proofs that the efforts we put into creating an Expo presentation which shows Germany’s contribution to the respective Expo topic are worthwhile. In this case it was the broad field of world nutrition,” says the German pavilion’s general commissioner Dietmar Schmitz, a member of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy. In recent years, German contributions to world exhibitions have been honoured several times with golden awards: 2005 in Aichi (Japan), 2008 in Saragossa (Spain), 2010 in Shanghai (China) und 2012 in Yoesu (South Korea).

Between May and October around 21 million guests visited Expo 2015 in Milan. Our current EAP issue (6/2015) features a detailed report about the world exhibition. (eap)

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