Maurer Rollercoasters Receive the Coveted TÜV Certificate

Stefan Kasper, Leiter der Zertifizierungsstelle TÜV Süd (re.), überreichte Ralf Reifferscheidt (li.), Geschäftsbereichsleiter Anlagenbau bei Maurer, das TÜV-Zertifikat.
Quality and safety are two of the most important criteria for the development, manufacture and operation of rollercoasters. Having all of the required processes executed by a single source is a huge advantage in ensuring the safety of the attractions, compliance with the stipulated standards and the guarantee of customer satisfaction. Only a few weeks ago, TÜV Süd, a branch of Germany’s most highly respected technical inspection association, awarded Munich’s rollercoaster manufacturer Maurer Rides with the TÜV certificate compliant with DIN EN 13814. Maurer Rides conducts all of the development, calculation, construction, manufacture, assembly and start-up of its rollercoasters in-house. One of the primary aims of Maurer Rides has been to increase the process reliability throughout the entire delivery chain, i.e. in its Sales, Purchasing, Development, Calculation, Construction, Manufacture, Process Management, Assembly, Start-Up and Customer Service departments. In addition, Maurer has improved its quality management system through verified audits for its entire Amusement Rides business segment. (eap)