Merlin Entertainments Signs Contract With accesso® Technology Group

Auch der 2015 eröffnete Attraktionskomplex von Merlin Entertainments in Orlando nutzt die accesso Ticketing-Lösungen.
Recently, accesso® Technology Group plc, provider of technology solutions to leisure, entertainment and cultural markets, announced the signing of a long-term agreement with the British Merlin Entertainments Group Ltd. The contract provides the application of accesso’s® fully hosted onsite ticketing and eCommerce solutions across more than 100 Merlin attractions worldwide, e.g. Legoland® Parks, Madame Tussauds™ and Sea Life. In concrete terms, the seven-year agreement includes the installation and deployment of the hosted accesso Passport® ticketing solutions offer within the next three years. Under a pilot program, the ticketing system has already been installed in seven Merlin attractions and proved to be successful. “We have a great deal of confidence that accesso’s next-generation ticketing solution will improve the online guest booking journey for our guests and play a key role in our long-term growth initiatives. accesso is a unique and valued partner and their solution will allow us to provide a consistent, state-of-the-art ticketing experience to the millions of guests who enjoy Merlin attractions around the world,” says Nick Varney, Merlin Entertainments’ CEO. (eap)