17 Aug 2009

Minimundus / Lake Constance: Federal Chancellery at Meckenbeuren

A replica of the German Federal Chancellery is being built at the miniature park in Meckenbeuren. This world of miniatures is located about eight kilometres away from Lake Constance, right next door to the Ravensburger Spieleland park. During his term in office (1982–1996), former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl initiated the Federal Chancellery’s construction in Berlin. In 2001, it was moved into after a four-year construction period. While the original building has a length of 335 metres, its miniature replica at Lake Constance will be built on a scale of 1:25. This scale fits in perfectly with the Brandenburg Gate replica, which will be placed a few metres away from the chancellery. Minimundus at Lake Constance already features more than 80 of the world’s most beautiful buildings. At a length of 14 metres, the miniature version of the Federal Chancellery will cost around 200,000 euros. Construction will take about a year. Minimundus has been owned since 2008 by the Austrian Bank for Tyrol and Vorarlberg. This year 60 to 70 thousand visitors are expected according to newspaper reports. (eap)


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