25 Jun 2024

Netflix House: Experience Series & Movies in a New Way

Netflix House: Experience Series & Movies in a New Way

Artist Concept Only ©Netflix

(eap) The US streaming service Netflix has already offered various temporary experiences for its most popular series and films in the past, such as the “Stranger Things Experience” in New York. Now the company aims at taking its live entertainment experiences to a new level with the Netflix House concept. The Netflix House will be a year-round offering at several sites that brings Netflix series and films to life. On over 100,000 square feet (over 9.000 square meters), visitors can look forward to various attractions related to the Netflix franchises. These include, for example, the “Glass Bridge Challenge” from the well-known “Squid Game” series. Furthermore, there will be Netflix-inspired gastronomic outlets and merchandise. The first two locations of the Netflix experience are set to open next year at the shopping centres King of Prussia in Pennsylvania and Galleria Dallas in Texas (USA).

„Im Netflix House können Sie regelmäßig neue Erlebnisse genießen, Merchandise-Angebote wahrnehmen und Ihre Netflix-Lieblingsserien und -filme im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes durch einzigartige Speisen und Getränke probieren“, so Marian Lee, Chief Marketing Officer von Netflix. „Wir haben bereits mehr als 50 Erlebnisse in 25 Städten eingeführt, und das Netflix House stellt die nächste Generation unserer unverwechselbaren Angebote dar. Die Veranstaltungsorte werden unsere geliebten Geschichten auf neue, sich ständig verändernde und unerwartete Weise zum Leben erwecken.“ ■

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