20 Jun 2020

Netherlands: “Max & Moritz“ Family Coaster Opens Today at Efteling

Today Dutch Efteling theme park will launch ist new “Max & Moritz“ family coaster, expanding its existing visitor offer by a new “Powered Coaster“ from Mack Rides. Dedicated to the two naughty schoolboys from the German rhyming story “Max & Moritz“ by Wilhelm Busch, the ride features two track layouts – “blue“ is representing Max and “green“ is representing Moritz. According to the storyline, Max and Moritz escape their mother’s workshop with two selfbuild soapboxes. “Max & Moritz is dedicated to the whole family and will propably be the first coaster experience for some of the youngest visitors. We are very excited to see the reactions. Visitors from Germany will recognize a lot of the pranks from the two characters Wilhelm Busch created and everybody else is welcome to enjoy a great new story,“ explains Fons Jurgens, board member of Efteling.

Furthermore, Efteling, which was founded in 1952 as a fairytale forest, recently released a new international marketing campaign, which tells the story of a little girl and her magical experiences at Efteling, until she herself visits the theme park with her own family. The TV commercial was developed based on new results from neuro-marketing research projects and is created to address emotional-cognitive processing in the brain that influences purchase decisions. (eap)

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